Wednesday, April 4, 2007

DB2 Free Self-Study Courses and Tutorials

IBM if offering the following free tutorials and courses for learning how to set-up, administer, and use their DB2 database. These tutorials and free courses can also be used to prepare for the DB2 certification exam.

DB2 Free Self-Study Courses and Tutorials

The DB2 self-study courses and tutorials on this site are available for download at no charge.
Complimentary DB2 Business Intelligence Tutorials
DB2 Content Manager Version 8 System Administration Workshop
WebSphere Information Integrator Tutorials
DB2 Training Courses
DB2 UDB Certification TutorialsDB2 V7 User Certification Prep TutorialsThis series of six tutorials is designed to help you prepare for the DB2 (Version 7) User Certification (Exam 512). Each tutorial includes a link to a free DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition download. These tutorial courses provide a solid base for each section of the exam.
PrerequisitesThese tutorials are geared toward Database Administrators (DBAs) familiar with basic database concepts.
System requirementsAfter a quick, free registration, you can begin a tutorial. Each tutorial should take about an hour to complete. You can take it online, or download a PDF or zip file of the tutorial.

DB2 user certification prep, Part 1: DB2 tools, data warehousing and OLAPThis tutorial introduces the basics of the DB2 Tools, and the concepts of data warehousing and OLAP. The material in this tutorial primarily covers the objectives in "Section 1. Installation and Planning". Installation is not covered in this tutorial.

DB2 Security: DB2 V8.1 Family Fundamentals certification prep, Part 2 of 6 This tutorial introduces you to DB2 security and instances. The material in this tutorial primarily covers the objectives in "Section 2. Security and Instances". In this tutorial, you will learn about DB2 instances, the Database Administration Server (DAS) Instance, and DB2 Security features (DB2 Authentication, Authorization and Privileges).

DB2 user certification prep, Part 3: Creating and accessing DB2 databasesThis tutorial introduces you to the objects that make up a DB2 database, how the database is created, and the different tools used to create, access, and manipulate DB2 objects.

DB2 user certification prep, Part 4: SQL usageThis tutorial introduces you to Structured Query Language (SQL), and gives you a good understanding of how DB2 Universal Database uses SQL to define database objects (such as tables, views, or indexes) and to manipulate data in a relational database.

DB2 user certification prep, Part 5: Database objectsThis tutorial discusses data types, tables, views and indexes as defined by DB2 Universal Database. It explains the features of these objects, how to create and manipulate them using Structured Query Language (SQL) and how they can be used in an application.

DB2 user certification prep, Part 6: Database concurrencyThis tutorial introduces you to the concept of data consistency and to the various mechanisms that are used by DB2 Universal Database to maintain database consistency in both single- and multi-user environments.
Free Professional Certification Preparation Documents for DB2 CertificationThe following preparation documents have been created to help you prepare for DB2 Information Management certification exams. Each document covers role descriptions, requirements, objectives and preparation suggestions.
DB2 Content Manager

Exam 443 -- DB2 Content Manager V8.3

Exam 442 -- DB2 Content Manager V8.1
DB2 UDB V8.1

Exam 700 -- DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Fundamentals

Exam 701 -- DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database Administration

Exam 702 -- DB2 UDB V8.1 for z/OS Database Administration

Exam 703 -- DB2 UDB V8.1 Family Application Development

Exam 704 -- DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Advanced Database Administration
Exam 705 -- Business Intelligence Solutions V8.1

Exam 706 -- DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database Administration Upgrade Exam
DB2 UDB V7.1

Exam 512 -- DB2 UDB V7.1 Family Fundamentals

Exam 513 -- DB2 UDB V7.1 Database Administrator for UNIX, Linux, Windows and OS/2

Exam 514 -- DB2 UDB V7.1 Family Application Development

Exam 516 -- DB2 UDB V7.1 Database Administrator for OS/390

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